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Jain WIOSP 太阳能流量监测系统

Panel : Octagon, Height 3.0M, Diameter 0.25M, Stainless Steel 304
Ultrasonic Flowmeter : Clamp-On, Transit-Time, 12-24VDC, 5W
Solar Power Module : 70W, Round
Batrtery : 3A, 15V Rechargeable
Modem : CDMA Wireless
Pressure : 0-20Kg/cm2


Flow Monitoring Systems installe around the city must have speciall designed feature to make street beautiful and can eliminate any complains from citizen. The system use clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeter and use solar power. Also, the design is beautiful as sculpture to make street clean and beautiful,so citizen do not complain when install the panel, even at front of shop. The panel is 3M tall and octagon shape with 0.25M diameter. Also, the panel use wireless CDMA communication to reduce any installation cost.

The panel is consisted of

Panel (height 3.0M, diameter 0.25M octagon, STS 2.0t)


Clamp-On Ultrasonic Flowmeter Xonic 100N


Solar Power Module (70W, Round)


Rechargeable Battery (3A, 15V)


Recharge Controller


CDMA Modem


Pressure Transmitter (0-20Kg/cm2)





1. Panel : Octagon, Height 3.0M, Diameter 0.25M, Stainless Steel 304

2. Ultrasonic Flowmeter : Clamp-On, Transit-Time, 12-24VDC, 5W

3. Solar Power Module : 70W, Round

4. Batrtery : 3A, 15V Rechargeable

5. Modem : CDMA Wireless

6. Pressure : 0-20Kg/cm2


Main Function

1. Solar Power

2. Beautiful Panel as sculpture

3. Wireless CDMA communication

4. Operate for 30 days without solar energy

  • 质量承诺
  • 正品保修
  • 送货到家
  • 交易简单化

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